Friday, May 18, 2007

I graduated! :)

After two years of reading, writing, reflecting and teaching... :) I finally turned in the final draft of my Master's Thesis... I'm now ready to have my own classroom! :)

Photo taken with my beloved and wise professor and advisor from DTE.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Proud & Happy

Oh it's been a while.... I've been busy preparing for graduating in May, in one more week actually. In fact, I'm still in the middle of writing my thesis and really shouldn't be here to blog. But this is just another, more productive, way of exercising my procrastination habits. :) Anyhow, I thought I should document here that, yesterday I proudly presented my Reframing Technology Education argument in my Urban Ed class with my inspirations and findings from this blog! And here's my proof!