Wednesday, January 21, 2009

10 Suggestions for President Obama

In light of the historical inauguration today, I asked a class of 3rd graders to write 10 suggestions for President Obama. All twenty of these students are immigrants or children of immigrants from Mexico or another South American country, hence the grammar and spelling errors in their writing. Despite that, their wishes and messages are loud and clear… I never cease to be amazed by the little ones surrounding me…

10 Suggestions for President Obama
by Jennifer Mendoza, 8 years old

1. Give papers to Mexican people for immigration, like my parents.
2. Do not send any more soldiers.
3. Do not be mean with all the people of the United States.
4. Give money to poor people.
5. Give things like books to schools.
6. Fix Houses because in my house water goes in the house.
7. That people that work a lot pay them lots of money.
8. That people that go visit their family do not come hiding in a car or through mountains.
9. Give better jobs to Mexican people.
10. In my school the computers work, but sometimes they don’t work.